
Greedy People Parents Guide: Plot, Content Warnings and Age Rating

Sex and Nudity - 80%
Violence and Gore - 80%
Profanity - 80%
Substance Use - 20%
Frightening and Intense Scenes - 70%


Rated R for violence, language throughout and sexual content.

Follows the residents of a small island town who must navigate a sensational murder and the discovery of a million dollars, a series of increasingly bad decisions upend the once peaceful community.

User Rating: 4.7 ( 2 votes)

Greedy People is a movie coming out on August 23, 2024. It’s a mix of comedy and crime, directed by Potsy Ponciroli. The movie has some famous actors like Lily James, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Traci Lords. It’s about what happens in a small town on an island when someone is killed and a lot of money is found. The people in the town start making bad choices, and everything gets crazy. The movie is rated R, which means it’s for grown-ups and older teens. This Greedy People Parents guide will help parents understand what’s in the movie.

Greedy People Movie Overview

In this movie, something big happens in a quiet island town. First, someone is murdered, which is already a big deal. Then, people find a million dollars! This causes everyone in the town to start acting wild and making really bad decisions. The movie shows how funny and crazy things get when people let greed take over.

Who Made the Movie

  • The director is Potsy Ponciroli
  • The writer is Mike Vukadinovich
  • The main actors are:
    • Lily James
    • Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    • Traci Lords
    • Virginia Chetlo
    • Joey Lauren Adams
    • Tim Blake Nelson

These are all talented people who make the movie interesting to watch.


Greedy People Parents Guide and Age Rating

Greedy People is rated R. This means it’s not for kids or young teens. Here’s what parents should know:

Sex and Nudity

  • There might be some scenes with kissing or people in underwear.
  • The movie probably doesn’t show full nudity, but there could be sexy parts.

Violence and Gore

  • Since the story is about a murder, there will be some violence.
  • You might see blood or people getting hurt.
  • The violence probably isn’t super graphic, but it could be scary for some people.

Bad Language

  • Expect to hear a lot of swear words.
  • Characters might use really strong language when they’re angry or upset.

Drinking and Drugs

  • Adults in the movie might drink alcohol or use drugs.
  • These scenes could show how people make bad choices when they’re drunk or high.

Scary or Intense Parts

  • Some parts of the movie might be tense or suspenseful.
  • The murder and crime parts could be scary for some viewers.
  • There might be chase scenes or moments where characters are in danger.

More Info About the Movie

Where They Filmed It

Greedy People was filmed in North Carolina, USA. This place was chosen because it looks like a small island town and has pretty scenery.

What the Movie is Really About

Even though Greedy People is funny, it also makes you think about some serious stuff:

  • How greed can make people do bad things
  • What happens when people care more about money than each other
  • How a community can fall apart when people stop trusting each other

Funny Lines from the Movie

While we don’t know exactly what characters will say, you can expect some clever jokes about:

  • People being too greedy
  • The crazy situations the characters get into
  • How small-town life changes when something big happens

Real-Life Greedy People

The movie might remind you of real stories about greed:

  • People who stole a lot of money
  • Times when finding treasure caused problems
  • How greed has changed history

Questions People Ask

  • Where did they film Greedy People?
    In North Carolina, USA.
  • Who was the greediest person ever?
    There’s no one answer, but people often talk about kings or business people who wanted too much money or power.
  • Is being greedy always bad?
    Most people think being too greedy is bad because it can hurt others and yourself.


Greedy People looks like it will be a funny movie for adults that also makes you think. It’s probably not good for kids because of the grown-up themes and language. If you decide to watch it with older teens, it could lead to good talks about making the right choices and the problems that come from wanting too much.

Remember, every family is different. Use this guide to decide if Greedy People is right for your family to watch. If you have more questions, feel free to ask!


Mark Thompson ✅

Through, I share my knowledge and insights to empower you to make informed movie choices. My reviews delve into themes, messages, and potential impact, while my recommendations highlight movies that spark joy, laughter, and meaningful conversations. Let's embark on this cinematic journey together and discover the power of movies to connect and inspire families.

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